Wednesday 16 April 2014

Shiver Me Timbers!

Well I've had quite an odd couple of weeks, culminating in an appointment with a cardiologist this coming Tuesday :/ (more about that later).
Firstly about my trip to Sydney - I flew down (and back) in a turboprop!
The Rock 'n' Roll Markets didn't quite go according to plan. Rhiannon came down with a migraine on Saturday night. A full on, knock em down one. She vomited so much she ended up vomiting blood (sorry, perhaps a bit too much info!). I briefly thought about doing the markets on my own but she was so ill I didn't want to leave her. Thank goodness that by late Sunday she was feeling more human again.

I spent the week mostly relaxing, doing a bit of sewing and reading. Eddie, Rhiannon's gallant guard cat was there to keep me company through the days while Rhiannon was at work:
You can see by his expression he takes his job very seriously. And while on the subject of animals, this is Jersey, Erin's new lady's chihuahua (did I spell that right?)
Very cute and very tiny!

I'm not sure whether I mentioned or not, but I've started doing an on line makeup artist course with Erin Shaw Academy. With most modules, as well as answering a questionnaire you have to submit before and after photos of actual makeups. The module I've just completed is Day Look. Rhiannon was my model and here's the before and after pix:
During the week in Sydney I started getting pains in my chest and feeling very tired. I've had these pains occasionally before but they've never been quite as bad or stayed for so long. I kept it quiet while I was in Sydney and tried to keep it quiet once I got back home, but apparently I'm looking quite pale plus having to "have a little lie down" gave it away. I saw my doctor who did an ECG and got me in for an urgent appointment with a cardiologist (next Tuesday) as well as putting me on a few medications. I must admit I am pretty nervous about it, plus $250.00 payable on the day doesn't exactly thrill me. Hopefully though it will all prove to have been a bit of a storm in a teacup (fingers crossed)

Till next time,
Robyn x

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