Sunday 11 May 2014


Just thought I'd say hello...nothing really exciting to post. Well I did have an MUA Haul to post about but I'm afraid I'm not feeling particularly creative or energetic right now.
It's getting colder here. I really shouldn't complain, Australia doesn't really get that cold, but I love being warm and tend to get very lazy and slug-like the cooler it gets here.
I may've posted about this but when it's cold, comfort and warmth are really my only two considerations when it comes to clothing so most Winters I blob around in whatever I lay my hands on that is warm and  comfy. This year I'm making sure I get my Winter clothes organised before it gets too cold for me to care. I'm aiming for comfort, warmth AND a decent aesthetic.
I've been reading Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen. It's a great story, set in the US during the Great Depression and Prohibition at a time when Circuses travelled by rail. It is fictional, but some inspiration has been taken from actual events and characters in circus history and there is an archival photograph at the beginning of each chapter. "Running away to join the circus" sounds very romantic and exciting, and in some ways it really is, but overriding this is the fact that circus life was harsh and very brutal then. I wonder how that compares with modern circuses like Cirque du Soleil? I'd love to know. I think some research is in order.
Well, that's it from me for now. Here is a cheery photo for you. It's the photo of the day from Wikimedia Commons:
Till next time,
Robyn x

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